Monday, 25 June 2018

Lsnrctl Start Fails with TNS-12546 or TNS: Permission Denied

Getting this error in log.xml,

 <txt>TNS-12546: TNS:permission denied
 TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
  TNS-00516: Permission denied


The sqlnet.ora file is configured for TCP.VALIDNODE_CHECKING with a TPC.INVITED_NODES list that does not include the ip address on which the listener is trying to start. 

 The "permission denied" message is the result of the SQL*Net layer refusing a connection from the listener.


Either unset TCP.VALIDNODE_CHECKING in the server side sqlnet.ora file or configure the TCP.INVITED_NODES list to include the ip address or hostname of the server where the listener is failing to start.

You can also refer--> What is TCP_VALIDNODE_CHECKING and How to Use It (Doc ID 462933.1)